Volunteering can be tremendously rewarding. It can allow for insight on how the LGBTQ+ community ls living, it can be a way to learn about the many different programs and organizations that serve our family and community from big cities to small towns. It can be a way to give back and help the next person who is coming into their own.
The LGBT National Help Center has several different types of volunteer positions for different types of volunteering. To near more about our other volunteer positions CLICK here.
Because we are a national organization our volunteer positions are all remote. Most are positions that require internet access and some require having a quiet and private space.
All positions require potential volunteers to be 21 years of age or older.
Peer support volunteers must be able to make a minimum commitment of three consecutive hours a week, the same time each week, for at least 12 months after training is complete.
Volunteers must be very good listeners and non-judgmental, must be able to keep their opinions to themselves, and should be comfortable talking with a wide-range of callers about difficult issues. Peer-support volunteers are the backbone of our support system and answer calls from all over the US and Canada. Online chats can come from anywhere in the world.
The LGBT National Help Center operates several national hotlines: the LGBT National Hotline, the Coming Out Support Hotline, the Youth Talkline, and the Senior Hotline. In addition, we also operate the LGBT Switchboard of New York, our founding hotline started in 1972. Volunteers answer calls on all of these hotlines as well as our online peer support chat.
-Volunteers must not have any expected major life changes in the next 18 months (ie graduation, employment, education, etc).
-Because of the potential stress of over exertion, peer support volunteers can not be currently in graduate programs for mental health programs or medical training.
-Volunteers must not be currently volunteering for another hotline or text/chat line.
-Volunteers must have a quiet, private space to answer calls and chats where you will not be disturbed and background noises will not be heard over the phone.
-Volunteers cannot use a smartphone or tablet. You must use a laptop or desktop computer.
-Additionally, your computer must be able to run Google Chrome version 78 or higher. Those using Macs need to have an operating system of mac OS 12 Monterey or higher. Those using PCS must have an operating system of Windows 10 or higher.
If you are selected as a peer-support volunteer, we want to stress the importance of feeling highly confident that you can honor your commitment to being available for your scheduled hotline shift (with the exception of illness or vacation). Please, give careful thought to your schedule to make sure you feel comfortable with making this one-year commitment.
Those who identify as mandated reporters in their professional careers must understand that they cannot act in that capacity while volunteering with us.
Completing the application and shift availability form below.
Phone interview. This will be a chance to get to know us, and for us to get to know you. We'll be able to answer questions you may have and give you a chance to answer a sample (not real) call.
Complete a multi-part online study course.
Complete seven training shifts where you will work with an experienced peer-support trainer (one 2-hour shift for seven weeks).
We realize there are many volunteering opportunities out there, and we want to thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. Again, take a moment to think about the requirements and the availability of your schedule.
If you wish to continue, please fill out the application form below and we will get in touch with you shortly
(contact information in the application will not be shared with any third parties)